Rewild The Wild began during a moment of peace and tranquility when founder Barbara Sophia photographed a majestic and free stallion prancing through a body of water. Sitting still within the sagebrush, she witnessed the magic and beauty within these horses, wanting nothing more than to capture the moment with her lens and let the animals be. But not everyone feels that way; with the constant roundups throughout the United States taking thousands of stallions, mares, and foals away from their homes and putting them behind fences or sent out to kill pens to slaughter, Barbara Sophia knew they needed protection. There needed to be a way to gather more attention on the matter to a broader audience.
“Maintaining the health and well-being of wildlife is crucial to our planet's biodiversity. Healthy Wildlife, Vital Planet, Thriving Humans”
- Barbara Sophia
Rewild The Wild began during a moment of peace and tranquility when founder Barbara Sophia photographed a majestic and free stallion prancing through a body of water. Sitting still within the sagebrush, she witnessed the magic and beauty within these horses, wanting nothing more than to capture the moment with her lens and let the animals be. But not everyone feels that way; with the constant roundups throughout the United States taking thousands of stallions, mares, and foals away from their homes and putting them behind fences or sent out to kill pens to slaughter, Barbara Sophia knew they needed protection. There needed to be a way to gather more attention on the matter to a broader audience.
“Maintaining the health and
well-being of wildlife is crucial
to our planet's biodiversity.
Healthy Wildlife,Vital Planet,
Thriving Humans”
- Barbara Sophia
So in January 2021, Barbara Sophia set out on a journey to make a difference- traveling state to state, capturing the essence of wildlife, learning about where our beloved horses are going, and who else is a resource that can help others like herself give back to our planet.
So in January 2021, Barbara Sophia
set out on a journey to make a difference- traveling state to state, capturing the essence of wildlife, learning about where our beloved horses are going, and who else is a resource that can help others like herself give back to our planet.
Building a portfolio, a website, and a following, Rewild The Wild became a space dedicated to teaching the world about our wildlife and how critical it is to understand that nature is a part of us just as much as it is a part of animals. Creating various sections with ways to help the cause, information, and updates, RTW set out to educate others about how crucial it is to save our wildlife and horses.
Click here to view Rewild The Wild founder's published articles and editor responses, where you can learn more about the wild horse rescue missions.
Building a portfolio, a website, and a following, Rewild The Wild became a space dedicated to teaching the world about our wildlife and how critical it is to understand that nature is a part of us just as much as it is a part of animals. Creating various sections with ways to help the cause, information, and updates, RTW set out to educate others about how crucial it is to save our wildlife and horses.
Click here to view Rewild The Wild founder's published articles and editor responses, where you can learn more about the wild horse rescue missions.
Our goal is to bring attention to the cruelty wild horses and burros are facing, take away the roundup programs that are destroying our wildlife, connect with other environmental nonprofit organizations, and create a safer environment for our wild horses to roam freely.
You can support our goal by shopping for the cause! Proceeds from the sale of Barbara Sophia’s photographs go solely towards funding Rewild The Wild's continued efforts.
Our goal is to bring attention to the cruelty wild horses and burros are facing, take away the roundup programs that are destroying our wildlife, connect with other environmental nonprofit organizations, and create a safer environment for our wild horses to roam freely.
You can support our goal by shopping for the cause! Proceeds from the sale of Barbara Sophia’s photographs go solely towards funding Rewild The Wild's continued efforts.
“May You Always Be Passionate About The Treasures In Life You Love”
- Barbara Sophia.
I began my journey in the arts while growing up in the Rocky Mountains, where I spent my days outside. Consistently I found myself inspired by nature and the beauty that surrounded me. Later, I would take my creative skills and channel them through graphic design. Throughout my time in school, I always held onto my desire to capture the special moments outdoors, finding the true essence can only be captured while being still.
I built a graphic design business and grew my social network, all of which opened and continues to open new doors for me that I didn't even know could exist. I gained connections through my community and the artists I admired. Over time, my graphic design skills progressed. I accepted various jobs at Kodak, Johnson & Johnson, and Ocean Pacific which allowed me to start my own clothing business. After 30 years of working in women's clothing and jewelry, I wanted to take my art back to where it once started — the wilderness.
I founded Rewild The Wild in January 2021, a space designed to share my passion for wildlife and educate others about the landscapes these fascinating creatures inhabit, as well as the intricacies of their lives. I desire to build a space that welcomes anyone wanting to learn about the beauty that surrounds us on this planet; and with that knowledge, that they will feel the same sense of urgency to protect this fragile ecosystem that I do. I aim to use my love for photography to save wildlife one photo at a time and give Mother Nature the attention she deserves!